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  • michael gilley


Updated: Jun 27, 2022

Under the post THE GREAT SEAL PYRAMID (, I showed how the Seal on the back of the dollar has been following American history, dividing it into 22 intervals:

I then went on to show under the heading THE MAJOR ARCANA ( how --- when the 22 cards of the Tarot Major Arcana are aligned with these same 22 intervals --- a match is achieved between the images on the cards (or their meanings) and the trends of history in the intervals with which they align:

The result is the third interval of the last four portrayed by the Seal --- the one in which we are now living --- corresponding to the card called JUDGMENT:

The cards with which this and the two preceding intervals since '93 align, when taken together, form the sequence THE MOON (18); THE SUN (19); and JUDGMENT (20):

By a fascinating coincidence, this is the same sequence portrayed by the central figure in the "cosmic battle" found in Revelation Chapter 12, wherein a celestially-clad "woman" is described as being confronted by an equally ethereal "dragon":

As there are no such things as "a woman clothed with the sun" or "a dragon whose tail sweeps out the third part of stars," the allusions must either be (a) complete fantasies or (b) metaphors for something else. If we heed the parallel of the cards to the intervals, however, and don't dismiss it simply because we can't see how it could be, the "woman" takes on meaning. Suddenly, she becomes a timeframe --- the first 36 years after 1993:

What is amazing is that, when this is done, the "crown of twelve stars" above the woman's head comes to correspond to a specific interval of 12 years --- the interval in which we are living now (2017 to 2029). This gives the "crown" one star for each year in the interval. What are the odds?

If the correlation is taken seriously, the story comes to be about a specific timeframe --- in this instance, the first 36 years after 1993 --- which gives birth to a leader who will "rule the world with a rod of iron," but whose appearance will be resisted by a "dragon whose tail sweeps the third part of the stars of heaven and casts them to the earth."

So what is the hell is the dragon?

Back in the 90's, I discovered quite by accident something that gives meaning to the "dragon" --- something that has been sitting under our noses ever since Alaska was admitted into the union in the 50's; namely, that the United States sweeps out exactly one-third of the globe longitudinally, from the easternmost edge of Maine to the last island in the Aleutians belonging to Alaska:

This allows the entire world to be divided into thirds, or "tritaspheres," with the United States representing one entire third:

By a remarkable coincidence, the constellation DRACO THE DRAGON sweeps out a third of the night sky the same way --- from the last star in its tail to the mean bend in its neck, DRACO sweeps out 8 hours of Right Ascension out of 24 --- the astronomical equivalent of a third of the sky longitudinally:

A consequence of this is that, when the third of the sky swept out by DRACO is aligned with the third of the earth swept out by Asia, a match occurs between DRACO plus four adjoining constellations, with places here on earth that are associated with the same four animals:

When aligned this way, THE DRAGON ends up corresponding to Asia (as in "the Asian dragon"); THE GREAT BEAR ends up corresponding to Russia (as in "the Russian bear"); LEO ends up corresponding to Africa (where do lions come from?); and THE LYNX ends up corresponding to Europe (the lynx is also known as "the European wildcat"). In other words, they fall over places that are associated with the same animals.

Notably, the "dragon" in the Revelation story is said to have a tripartite companion that is described as follows:

Along with the dragon, these are the same four animals portrayed by the constellations! (In the Bible, all cats are called leopards except lions.) This makes the description of "the dragon" an instruction!

It's telling you to align the third of the night sky covered by DRACO THE DRAGON with a third of the earth in a certain way, and when you do, four constellations in the night sky will correspond to places here on earth associated with the same animals. That will tell you you've identified the dragon correctly.

That's what I did, and I got these results.

The verdict: The "dragon" in the story refers to a place --- Asia. In the foregoing alignments of constellations to places, its counterpart in the heavens, DRACO, corresponds to Asia.

Plug this equivalence into the story, along with the woman's representation of the first three 12-year intervals after 1993, and the story turns into one about a timeframe, the first 36 years after 1993, giving birth to a leader who will come to rule the world with a rod of iron, but whose coming will be impeded by some faction in Asia.

What the rest of the imagery in the story stands for is debatable, but I find the reference to the "dragon casting a flood out of its mouth" intriguing:

The pandemic that began to sweep the world in 2019 is said to have begun in Huanan, China.

For a more detailed look at the "dragon" and its relationship to the heavens, check out the blog THE DRAGON:

The same subject is also covered on my website,

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