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  • michael gilley


Updated: Jul 2

The subject of geometry in history is a complicated one, and requires only the most dedicated mathophile to follow it. But if you like a challenge, and are tired of "fluff" pieces on the internet, and you stick with it, you will learn something about history and how it works works that no one has ever seen before.

This is a continuation of the blog entitled THE GEOMETRY OF TIME (

Before we can begin, however, we first need to review what we've seen so far:


Previously, I demonstrated how the sinking of the Lusitania and the surrender of the German high command at the end of WWII came exactly 30 years to the day apart, and how the sinking of the Lusitania; the bombing of Pearl Harbor; and the surrender of the German high command at the end of World War II were joined together by a circle and square of equal area --- they were joined together by geometry:

THE 4,422 DAYS

Then I showed how, if you measure backward from Pearl Harbor the same number of days as in Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration, 4,422, you get the exact date of the Stock Market Crash --- Black Friday, October the 29th, 1929. This happens because the duration of Roosevelt's administration and the interval between the Crash and Pearl Harbor were exactly the same:


I also showed how the date on which the United States declared war on Germany in World War I came exactly 700 days after the sinking of the Lusitania --- the event that brought us into WWI in the first place:


This completed a trinity of events that defined this 30-year timeframe and would change the course of American history forever:


Simultaneously, I showed how a right triangle created by the day the U.S. declared war on Germany in WWI; its 20th anniversary; and a point of intersection created by a line extending up from the U.S. declaration in 1917 to the circle gives you the exact date on which World War I started in Europe --- July the 28th, 1914. These three dates were connected by a right triangle:


Now --- if you proceed forward from the U.S. declaration of war in 1917 by the repeating interval of 4,422 days that defined either (a) Roosevelt's administration or (b) the interim between the Stock Mark Crash and Pearl Harbor, you get a date --- May 15th, 1929. Nothing of any importance happened on that date:

If you then go forward exactly 200 days from the start of World War I, you get another date --- February 13th, 1915. Again, nothing happened:


But if you use these dates to define the radius of a circle, a new circle, magic happens:

If you insert a hexagon into this circle, and tilt it at an angle of precisely 1.8385592977305 degrees, the top three points of the hexagon, when projected down onto the timeline, will align perfectly with the dates of all three of the foregoing events --- April 6th, 1917; October 29th, 1929; and December 7th, 1941:

Thus, the day the U.S. entered World War I; the day of the Stock Market Crash; and the bombing of Pearl Harbor were all joined together by a hexagon that is tilted at an angle of 1.8385592977305 degrees; why it is tilted at that angle and not some other is another story, which will be reserved for another blog.

Bear in mind, the dimensions of this new circle have not been randomly selected: the location of the center is defined by the repeating interval of 4,422 days measured forward from the U.S. entry into WWI, and its left edge is defined by an exact multiple of 100 days --- 200 to be exact --- measured from the start of WWI.

It does not end there, however.


If you add the six sides of the hexagon together and measure forward the total number of days from the sinking of the Lusitania, you get a date, far into the future. The date you get is:


That was the date of that weird election in 2000 in which half the country voted for GORE and half voted for BUSH; even the electoral college was evenly split. A recount was ordered for counties in Florida. If you are old enough, you may remember the "hanging chads" and "dimpled ballots" that were paraded across TV screens. Ultimately, the decision of who was to be President was thrown to the Supreme Court, which essentially appointed BUSH President without benefit of election, causing some to call into question the legitimacy of his administration. With his Presidency came the Second War in Iraq; the bogus search for Hussein's "weapons of mass destruction"; the Wall Street bail-outs of 2008; and the total erasure of the balanced budget that had been achieved in the closing days of Clinton's administration. With BUSH's Presidency, the country was set on a wholly different course.

An unexpected dividend of this date's generation is that it fell exactly 666 months after the close of the aforementioned 30-year circle:


Here the ramifications of this date get bizarre. I am an atheist, but I go where the evidence leads me.

BUSH was the 43rd President of the United States, meaning he was preceded in office by 42 heads of state:

One of them was RONALD WILSON REAGAN, who was shot by John W. Hinckley on March 30th 1981 as he was coming out of a Washington hotel; the bullet lodged within an inch of his heart. Because of his age (he was 70), surgeons did not think he would make it, but he not only survived, he joked about it, telling surgeons "I hope you guys are all Republicans."

By a strange coincidence, Rev. 13:1-8 describes a "first beast" this way:

42 months, with one of its heads suffering a "deadly wound that healed": this parallels the 42 Presidents or "42 heads of state," one of whom was shot and nearly died.

If the 42 months are taken to be the 42 administrations before 2000, then all of the 42 Presidents before BUSH become the beast with 42 heads, with one of them suffering "the deadly wound that heals." The wounded one becomes RONALD REAGAN.


Of the "second beast," Rev. 13:11-18 then goes on to say:

If the "first beast" is taken to be all 42 Presidents before BUSH collectively, then the "second beast" logically should be all Presidents collectively after BUSH.

To date, there have only been four of these Presidents. These would be the four who have come since 2000, or 666 months after the close of the 30-year circle. If the parallel is taken seriously, these would have to be the start of the "second beast," with all Presidents subsequent to them to be added later:

To date, all four of these Presidents have had two features in common:

First, they have all had the legitimacy of their administrations questioned: BUSH was essentially assigned to be President by the Supreme Court without benefit of a popular consensus; OBAMA became the first black President, something many said would never happen; TRUMP lost the popular vote, but assumed the Presidency by winning the electoral; and though BIDEN won both the popular and electoral votes, TRUMP's followers refused to accept the outcome and claimed the election was stolen, even

to attempting a coup at the nation's Capitol.

The second commonality that these Presidents have exhibited is that each of the four had 6 letters in his first name. This has never happened before in American history; there have been two Presidents in a row with 6-letter first names, but never more than two.

Rev. goes on to describe the "second beast" as follows:

If the "first beast" is taken to be the first 42 Presidents, and the "second " all those who followed them, the description of the second beast fits the Presidents since 2000, as BUSH, OBAMA, TRUMP, and BIDEN have indeed perpetuated the objective of the first 42 in giving the United States the most powerful military on earth and the foremost space program, and to this end have continued to make "fire to come down from heaven in the sight of men."


Of the "second beast," the description in Rev. goes on to say:

This describes one who demands loyalty from everyone, and only recognizes those who carry a certain insignia or brand upon their foreheads and in their hands.

By an interesting coincidence, of the 4 Presidents since 2000, there was only one who fits that description: DONALD JOHN TRUMP and his followers were known for a certain fashion accessory that no other candidate in history has been identified with --- their little red gimme caps, with the words MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN scrawled across the front. They wore them at his "rallies," which were essentially worship services in which the object of worship was himself. They also sported this slogan on little signs in their hands:

MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN was a trademark; TRUMP and his followers carried a trademark, across their foreheads and in their hands. By using it, he was paying homage to REAGAN, the "head that suffered the deadly wound that healed," in that it was first used by REAGAN in his second election bid in '84.

The portent does indeed go on to say that the "second beast" would pay homage to the "head" of the previous "beast" which suffered the "deadly wound that healed":

TRUMP was the third of the four Presidents since 2000 corresponding to this "second beast":

Ironically, REAGAN's full name also formed the number 6-6-6, and just as there have been 6 letters in the first name of each President since 2000, there were 6 letters in each of REAGAN's three names, RONALD WILSON REAGAN, creating another thread that leads from the Presidents after 2000 back to REAGAN.

TRUMP also paid homage to REAGAN in another way, by practicing "trickle-down economics," which embodies the idea that the rich really run the country, so that anything that can be done to benefit the rich --- such as slashing their taxes --- will "trickle down" to the lower classes, because the rich are saints with deep pockets who will use that extra money to build more factories, build more stores, and --- needless to say --- pay their people what they're worth and give them the best insurance. Unfortunately, this has never proved to be true.

TRUMP, more than any of the other three Presidents since 2000, flaunted his talent for sowing division and hatred by stirring up hatred for the press, scientists, people of color, Asians, Moslems, Jews, and, of course, Democrats. He went on record saying he believes in getting revenge on those who oppose him "ten to fifteen-fold," and hurled insults at others while refusing to take insults himself. He called refugees "animals" and people from Mexico "murderers and rapists," and once claimed to have seen tail-gating Arabs cheer as the Twin Towers came down, though no footage substantiating this ever surfaced. He defrauded people with Trump University; paid for a statue to himself with funds from his charitable foundation; allowed irreplaceable art deco statues to be jack-hammered into oblivion during the construction of Trump Tower (and this after promising them to the Museum of Art); was married three times because he couldn't keep his pants zipped; and paid off a model and a centerfold to hush up his adulterous affairs with them. He violated every principle espoused by Jesus in the Christian gospels, yet the bulk of his support continues to come from people who call themselves evangelical Christians. In essence, Christians dumped Jesus for Trump, apparently believing Jesus' "Mr. Nice Guy" approach simply didn't work.

Revelation and Matthew warn of an "anti-Christ," who would come with the "final trump." If Donald isn't it, then I don't know who would fit the description better. This is not intended as a political jab; he simply fits the timeframe, and he and his followers fit the description of the ones who carry "the mark on their foreheads and in their hands."


According to the parallel of the major arcana to the 22 intervals into which the Great Seal divides American history (see ), we are currently in the 12-year period corresponding to the JUDGMENT card, card 20. TRUMP was inaugurated at the start of this interval (2017-2029), and so far we have seen multiple pandemics; a storming of the Capitol by the nation's own people; and no less than three countries --- Russia, North Korea, and Iran --- threatening nuclear war.

It will be interesting to see how the rest of this interval (2017-2029) plays out.

Stay tuned.

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