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  • michael gilley


Updated: Jul 14, 2022

I swear the following story is true.

On September the 16, 1998, I had an accident in my truck. I was crossing the bridge into downtown Dallas when an 18-wheeler next to me decided to change lanes. In doing so, he spit the right front headlight out into the road and bent the frame. Somehow, I managed to hobble over to the far right shoulder of the bridge and get it off onto a side road.

That night, as I lay in bed, I did the math in my head and came to a realization:

The accident had occurred on September the 16th; I had just turned 49 years old on February the 9th of that year. The difference was 7 months and 7 days. It didn't end there. It had also occurred at 9:54 in the morning and, according to my birth certificate, I was born at 2:47 a.m.; the difference by the clock then was also 7 hours and 7 minutes.

So the accident had occurred 7 months, 7 days, 7 hours, and 7 minutes after I had turned 49 years old. And of course, 49 is equal to 7 times 7.

It still didn't end there. My truck was a '91 Dodge Dakota, meaning the truck was 7 years old. And according to my map, the site of the accident was 7 miles from my driveway.

And if that isn't predestination, I don't know what is.

I'm convinced that things like that happen to all of us; it's just that we're not looking to see how the events that happen to us are related to one another. We assume blindly that events occur randomly.

I myself was only able to discover the relationship between the accident and my birthday because I was already predisposed to finding patterns in places you would not expect them. As it happens, I had already been collecting examples of patterns in history since I discovered years ago that, as unbelievable as it sounds, the Seal on the back of the dollar, which passes under the noses of millions of people daily, has been following the history of the United States. We are currently in the 21st of the 22 intervals into which the Seal divides American history.

Time itself is a function of geometry. Many events in history and in our personal lives are geometrically placed.

What I hope to show with my website ( and in these blogs is that history is not random. It has a structure, just as a building has a structure, and, like the architecture of a building, it obeys the laws of geometry.

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